Women's White Back Flip logo T-shirt

Product Details

Back Flip logo T-shirt from BALENCIAGA featuring white/black, stretch-cotton, jersey knit, logo print at the chest, crew neck, short sleeves and straight hem. When buying this unisex item, keep in mind that it is graded in standard men's sizing.. We've partnered with Good On You — an independent agency that rates how brands perform in relation to their impact on the planet, people and animals, with a multi-criteria rating simplified to a five points scale. In order to be awarded our conscious label, larger brands need to score a minimum of four out of five ('Good'), while smaller brands must score at least three out of five ('It's a start'). This item comes from a brand rated four out of five ('Good') by Good on You. Please note, this is a brand-level rating and does not guarantee that this product is made with conscious materials.. Learn more about what makes a product Conscious on our Conscious Criteria page.